Meet Dimitar

Dimitar Dimkov is a Soccer Professional with over 30 years experience in all facets of the game.  He is a Coach, Teacher and Trainer who has dedicated his life to helping kids of all ages reach the heights of their potential on and off the field.  In his 18 years as a European Futbol Commentator he had access to the training techniques of the best teams and teachers in the world, and has mastered teaching these techniques within his signature playful and fun environment. 

Dimitar's Message 
Soccer is most rewarding when it helps to improve us as people. The game is a culture in itself, it serves as a learning tool, and it is highly pedagogical. I base this on my experience as a player, coach, and a journalist who has encountered the sport in 28 different countries, including the 1994 World Cup/USA.
As sponsor and director of European Soccer Camps, I combine experience and love for soccer with an enjoyment and educational background for working with children and young adults. My desire is to work with dedicated parents and players to help most talented youth to achieve the highest level of their abilities.

With the experience of being a correspondent and TV commentator of European Olympics and World Soccer Championship,and with Top Bulgarian diploma /license/ - equivalent to a Masters degree in Education and Child Development - my goal is to bring out the best in each student as a player.

My goal  is to bring out the best in each player and to help the most talented youth to the highest level of performance.

- Serious Soccer with a Smile
- Simple Game for Clever Players
- Good for mental character
- Good for physical character

38 of Dimitar's 43 private students have a succeeded on University teams and 18 of his past 20 have recieved full scolarships.  Three players that have been in his US soccer camps are now playing professionally: 

- Florian Dupont (Espanyol-Barcelona-Spain) and "Servat" ( Switzerland ) - 
- Jeremy Barlow (Dynamo Houston, DC United-US)
- Jose Raul Garcia (DC United-US)
- Conor Shanosky (DC United-US)

Dimitar teaches respect for teammates, parents, and opposing players. He promotes strong work ethics, good sportsmanship, and a great sense of humor. Shortly: Serious Soccer With a Smile!!!

- Trainer for many NCSL , WAGS and ODSL teams in Maryland and Virginia.
- Bulgarian Youth Soccer Association President. 
- Former Coach of the first women’s National team, the first women’s soccer tournaments, and the manager of the womeen’s National team of Bulgaria for world’s qualification. 
- Press officer and commentator of the Bulgarian men’s National Team including  the World Cup of USA (won bronze medal)! Writes a book for thatreason “World Boys” (picture) in which with a lot of analysis and a lot of sense of humor it shows that: “ Life can go without soccer, but what is that kind of life?!...” 
- He lives up to his motto: “ Serious Soccer with a Smile “by providing great value for your money in an atmosphere of creative levels.
Insightful teaching skills. 
- Keen sense of humor will give your players a solid foundation for soccer, teamwork, and respect for others. 
-Some of the Washington area’s top young players credit Dimitar for sharing the knowledge on how to excel at the sport.

I am the Chairman of the Union of Bulgarian Actors and I have known Mr.Dimkov for 20 years. As a television sports-journalist, Mr Dimkov is a member of our Union. Many Bulgarians grew up watching Mr.Dimkov's coverage and analysis of important soccer competitions and he has become one of the most popular journalists in the Bulgarian history. Dimitar Dimkov was selected as a member of the Bulgarian press delegation to the 1994 Soccer World Cup in the United States of America, the most prestigious international competition in which Bulgarian athletes compete. His coverage of that month long competition was watched by all. In fact, there were many people who left that, because of his extraordinary knowledge and understanding of the game, as well as his remarkable talent, he was the only person who could have adequately portrayed the excitement and importance of that distinguished international competition. My respect for Mr.Dimkov has only intensified since I met him...I believe he would be a great asset in the international coverage of American sporting events.

Stephen Iliev - Chairman of the Union of Bulgarian Actors


My position with the Bulgarian Soccer Union has given me the unique opportunity to observe Mr.Dimkov as he works and to develop a deep and abiding friendship with him. His abilities as a sports journalist and his dedication to developing the sport of soccer are truly remarkable...Mr.Dimkov's crowning achievement was the creation of the first women's national soccer team in Bulgaria. Without Mr. Dimkov's knowledge of the sport and dedication to making it accessible to all, Bulgarian women would not have been able to compete in the first Women's World cup in 1995.This alone speaks volumes about Dimitar and his personal priorities and goals...However, Mr.Dimkov has done so much more for soccer. He would truly be an asset to the United States men's and women's national soccer teams, both in helping them improve their skill level and in promoting the teams  domestically and internationally.

Emil Datchev,
General Secretary Bulgarian Soccer Union

Because of my position as Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, I was fortunate enough to meet Mr.Dimkov. He is a man I have always admired because of his outstanding knowledge of soccer and his ability to make it interesting and accessible to all Bulgarians. He has long been considered the best sports-journalist in Bulgaria, a reputation that is well deserved .Soccer is the most popular sport in Bulgaria and Mr. Dimkov's coverage of this competition was watched by all. Mr.Dimkov was also vital in the creation of the first women's national soccer team in Bulgaria, without his dedication to making the sport of soccer accessible to all, especially to women and children, Bulgaria would not have been able to field a team in the first women's World Cup in 1995.Mr Dimkov's dedication his ability to follow through on that dedication is truly remarkable.
   I truly believe that Mr.Dimkov, because of his extraordinary knowledge of and dedication to soccer, would make a valuable contribution to the knowledge and popularity of soccer in the United States.
   Thank you for your consideration.

Dimitar Popov
Former Prime Minister
Republic of Bulgaria